Where to get help with ADHD? Check out this video interview.

Kidsburgh’s story on how families can get a child evaluated for ADHD has been getting a lot of attention since it was published last week. It can really be challenging for parents to find the right answers, but the number of resources available to families has steadily grown in recent years.

We’ve heard from healthcare providers in the region, including the Counseling and Wellness Center of Pittsburgh, which offers comprehensive psychological testing and assessment covered by insurance.

We also heard from Heather Setzenfand, a physical therapist who offers play groups to help kids work on things like social skills, core stability and coordination. “These children,” says Setzenfand, “can calm their nervous system and place themselves in a ready state to learn.”

Another resource we’ve learned about: Laughlin Children’s Center offers an ADHD parent group workshop and also does evaluations.

And our executive editor Melissa Rayworth was glad to sit down with Mikey Hood at Talk Pittsburgh to discuss the article. Check out that video below and read the full story by Jessica Williams right here.