must-see places in pittsburgh

What “must see” places would you recommend in the Pittsburgh area?

Photo above by Jordan Faux via Unsplash.

This year, Kidsburgh is partnering with our friends at SLB Radio to create a podcast. Along with interviewing fascinating people and sharing all kinds of parenting-related ideas and advice, we’re planning to talk about the best places to visit in the Pittsburgh area.

Everyone knows about the famous spots — places like the Heinz History Center and the view from Mt. Washington — where you can bring out-of-town visitors or spend a few hours with your kids.

Instead of talking about those obvious places, we’re going to put a spotlight on the best kept secrets — the tiny neighborhood with an incredible bakery that’s perfect for a Saturday afternoon stroll, or the little-known historic spot where kids can learn about Pittsburgh’s past, or the particular set of outdoor “Pittsburgh stairs” that are perfect as a slow, epic climb for the whole family.

Here’s where you come in: Tell us about the places you would include in our “Must-See Pittsburgh” podcast segments. It doesn’t have to be in the city. It can be anywhere in the greater Pittsburgh region.

If you grew up here, maybe it’s a place you loved going as a kid. Or maybe it’s the spot you always take folks who visit from out of town or a place you discovered once you had kids of your own. It could be a unique place to have kids’ birthday parties that parents might not know about or a pleasantly kid-friendly restaurant that doesn’t serve the typical kid-friendly food.

Whatever it might be, we’d love to hear about it. And we’re glad to give you a shout-out on our podcast (or keep you anonymous — up to you!), if we use your suggestion.

You can e-mail us at or message us on Facebook or Instagram.