These students discovered the power of kindness through a project for Global Links

Photos courtesy of Global Links.

Some special education students in our area did a high school “senior project” together, and they’re really making a difference. Juniors and seniors in the special education classes at Seneca Valley High School took a trip to Global Links in Green Tree and learned all about this impactful nonprofit, which is a medical surplus recovery organization that helps people in the Pittsburgh region and around the world.

Among the items shared by Global Links: personal care kits shared with people who may be struggling.

Before their trip to Global Links, the students had learned how important these personal care kits are to people. They even raised money to buy items to fill the kits. Then they packed and donated dozens of the kits for their senior project.

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Seneca Valley high schoolers filling personal care packs at Global Links.

“In the kits, we put in shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant — personal hygiene stuff for people to stay clean,” said special education student Isaac Zeigler, who is a senior.

These items are very much needed, said Stacy Bodow, outreach and engagement manager at Global Links:

“None of the items are covered by insurance or government assistance,” Bodow says. “They’re all cash purchases. So it really adds up. So we’re able to share the items with the organizations who are already working with the clients who are struggling to make ends meet.”

The Seneca Valley High School students toured Global Link’s office and warehouse in Green Tree, seeing the items that have been collected and where they’ll be going.

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Seneca Valley students outside Global Links.

It’s all part of learning how anyone, no matter their age or ability, can make a difference.

“It’s so great for them to feel empowered that they can make a difference in their community, which they do. They make a huge difference,” Bodow said.

“We’ve talked a lot about why it’s important,” said Seneca Valley High School learning support teacher Jeanne Perobst. “Getting the opportunity to volunteer here will really open their eyes.”

Clearly it worked: “It makes me feel good, makes me feel amazing to help somebody,” said Zeigler.

Any person or organization can make and donate these personal care kits, and it’s an easy project for kids to do. Global Links has a goal of providing 10,000 kits in 2024. They are getting close to halfway there, but they still have many to go. So they invite families, schools and youth groups to take on this Personal Care Kit Project and support their neighbors in need.

You can find the details on the Global Links website.