Nominate ‘Kids Who Care’ for this annual award from Pittsburgh Cares
Photo above by Annie Spratt via Unsplash.
The folks at Pittsburgh Cares are looking to recognize kids who go above and beyond in order to make their southwestern Pennsylvania community a better place to live.
So they’re asking teachers, parents and guardians, and folks who work at nonprofits in our region to take a moment to think about the special children in their lives. Do you know kids or teens who really make an effort to help their peers, their siblings or their community? If so, you have until this Friday, April 19, to nominate them for a Kids Who Care award.
You’ll find the nomination form right here.
You can nominate any students in 1st through 12th grade from Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Lawrence, Washington or Westmoreland counties. Once nominations are received, Pittsburgh Cares’ Kids Who Care Committee, composed of community members, will comb through the nominations in search of kids and teens who are involved in their local community and stand out as true “kids who care.”
On Friday, April 26, during National Volunteer Week, 12 winners will be announced and awarded with a prize pack including a Nintendo Switch console. They will also receive public recognition as award winners. For more information, email info@pittsburghcares.org. And click here to learn about volunteering through Pittsburgh Cares.
And any day of the year you can nominate a Kidsburgh Kind Kid. We’d love to celebrate the #kindkid in your life, so get in touch with us!