common sense

A parent’s ultimate guide to livestreaming

While livestreaming taps into teens’ natural desire to connect and belong, there are some potential risks. This Common Sense Media guide for parents is the ultimate resource.

common sense

Help! My kid wants to use social media

Worried about your kids and social media? Check out these great conversation starters to help make an informed decision that works for everyone.

15 online ‘camps’ fill kids’ summer with learning adventures

With many of the online virtual camps, you can mix and match activities to tailor the experience to your kids’ interests.

snapchat guide

Parents’ ultimate guide to Snapchat

Like many social media apps, Snapchat is a mixed bag, so it’s a good idea to understand how it works, how your kids use it, and how much time they spend on it so you can make sure their experiences are positive.

common sense

Start your summer screen time rules now with these Common Sense tips

Set reasonable limits for screens that allow for family time and other important activities, and incorporate media and tech in ways that bring the family together.

common sense

How to download kids apps smarter and cheaper

With millions of apps in the App Store and Google Play Store, it can be tough to choose. These tips from Common Sense Media can lead you to an app that not only will pass the time but also will be time — and money — well spent.

summer movies

Common Sense Media: 2018 summer movie guide for kids

Summer brings the biggest blockbuster movies of the year. We’ve gathered up the most anticipated movies of the summer for kids, tweens, and teens to help families decide what to see.

common sense

5 strategies for getting kids off devices (without a meltdown)

Aside from being a strong role model, these five tips from Common Sense Media will help to minimize conflict and find the balance we’re all seeking when it comes to screen time for kids.

common sense media

13 simple things you can do to protect your family’s data

Technology use comes with privacy risks, but don’t worry — the answer isn’t living the life of a Luddite. Common Sense Media offers tips to help protect your family’s data.

common sense

How to raise a lifelong learner

Though it’s best to start encouraging kids to be lifelong learners when they’re little, it’s never too late. Our tips will help to keep your kid’s love of learning alive.

common sense

How to talk to kids about difficult subjects

Addressing the tough stuff makes your kids feel safer, strengthens your bond, and teaches them about the world.

common sense

New strategies to get kids to create media, not just consume it

No matter your kids’ ages and interests, there’s a method and medium to encourage creativity.

Fun digital ways to enjoy the Winter Olympics with your family

This year it’s easier than ever for kids and families to follow along with the Winter Olympics, all without traveling to Pyeongchang.

Why body image matters for boys, too

The pursuit of a perfect body is no longer only a “girl” thing. Boys are falling prey to the images of ideal bodies splashed across media on magazine covers, video games, and movies.

common sense

Why watching TV and movies is better together

What kids are watching on TV and how they’re watching are key. When parents are involved — by sitting together, asking questions, and explaining when necessary — the benefits multiply.

These social media apps are stirring up trouble in schools

Helping your kid learn to use social media responsibly is the most effective way to help them stay safe online.

common sense

Step-by-step tips to set up your kid’s iPhone

You’re bought your kid an iPhone. Now what? Common Sense Media offers a step-by-step guide.

common sense

Family travel lifesaver: Digital games and apps kids can use with no wifi

Traveling with kids is always an adventure. And anything longer than a trip across town requires some strategic planning to keep kids entertained, civil, and — ideally — learning along the way.

holiday movie guide

Common Sense Media 2017 holiday movie guide for kids

From animation-loving kids to superhero-loving teens, we’ve got you covered for your family trip to the movies this holiday season.

common sense

What every parent needs to know about the YouTube Kids app

 YouTube Kids offers a colorful, easy-to-navigate environment, a wide range of high-quality videos, a few parental controls, and fun features for kids. But concerns over its advertising, branded content, and some inappropriate clips concern parents.