Mars STEAM challenge

Mars STEAM Challenge is open for grades 3-12

Photo above by Nicolas Lobos used by permission via Unsplash

The planet Mars is beginning a new year, and the borough of Mars will be celebrating in a big — and educational — way by hosting a Mars New Year Festival on June 9 and 10.

“As the only town named Mars in the USA, we celebrate when the planet Mars has its New Year with a Mars Exploration Celebration,” says Jess Beasley, secretary for the Mars New Year project. “We collaborate with NASA, Astrobotic, Aldrin Family Foundation, other robotics and STEAM-focused companies, artists, and educators to provide unique exhibits and hands-on activities. We aim to inspire and educate kids of all ages.”

As part of their celebration of Mars New Year (which comes once every 687 Earth days), students in grades 3 through 12 are invited to compete in the Mars Virtual STEAM Challenge. The mission is this: “You and 99 others are being sent to the planet Mars. You need to contribute to your new community. How will you best use your talents to help them Survive (STEM) or Thrive (Arts)?”

Kids can dream up any sort of project inspired by the idea of life on the planet Mars. They submit their creations virtually, but can also bring a physical project to present at the Mars New Year event.

Get more information here and register for the Mars STEAM Challenge here. All entries are due by May 10.

Winners will receive cash prizes and will present their projects alongside other space-industry professionals.