143 Day

143 Day: This video helps spread the love — and the learning

Happy 143 Day, Kidsburgh families!

As you may know, the number 143 corresponds to the number of letters in the words “I Love You.” This was Mister Rogers’ special way of reminding people that they are loved. So in Pennsylvania, we celebrate the 143rd day of the year (May 23) as 143 Day.

It’s a day for sharing love and kindness. And in the spirit of Fred Rogers, it’s also a day for wondering and learning from our friends and neighbors.

This year, our friends Gregg Behr and Ryan Rydzewski from “When You Wonder, You’re Learning” created a special video for 143 Day. They’re inviting Kidsburgh families to come along on their adventures as they meet Pittsburgh neighbors who do wonderful things, like putting the swirls in Jenny Lee cinnamon swirl bread in McKeesport and how Astrobotic on the Northside is sending rockets to the moon!

Enjoy this video with your kids, and enjoy 143 Day!

Want more 143 Day fun? Check out this video to make “Love Letter” cookies.